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Wildlife in Phnom Penh

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Michael H's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-08
Posts: 69

Apart from the elephant and monkeys around wat phnom area was wondering if there'd been any other sightings of wildlife in the city. Reason - this afternoon just saw the security guards outside Champs Elysees Hotel on St 63 trying to fend off/beat to death a small green snake. It was squirming around on the pavement on the corner with St 302 whilst they had at it with a long bamboo pole. I've seen a squashed snake before on the road near Olympic Stadium and a guy I know was driving around Wat Phnom one lunch time when two snakes fell out of the trees onto the front windscreen of his car. Be interested to hear of any other wildlife encounters.

violet's picture
Joined: 4-Aug-10
Posts: 113

quite a few rats around Smile

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

I used to live in a garden with trees off st 57 and we had many varieties of birds.
At night there would be tiny translucent bats.
I know someone in toul sleng who has had a cheeky monkey tormenting his dog occasionally.
Never seen a snake in cambodia unlike australia where we used to have lots in the backyard including deadly ones.
Saw several beautiful kingfishers at snooky but spoke to someone who went to ream on the trip and didnt see any birds at all.
I have never even heard a bird singing after several trips up bokor.
The cambodians are good at killing everything.
Oh i forgot lots of mynahs around nowadays and they kill other baby birds and eat eggs.

elwood's picture
Joined: 5-Nov-10
Posts: 81

As usual, Latham slagging off the locals!? You used to live in a garden? Interesting - I prefer houses myself. Must be an age thing. I also know of a person who is having monkey-dog issues in BKK3. Apparently it is usually in the early hours of the morning, with the ensuing racket conveniently waking up everyone in a 6 mile radius. I feel sorry for the bloke who owns the dog! A friend who live on the riverside in Takmao has had large (4-5ft) lizards swimming in front of his house also. Most impressive. And there are some spectacular butterfly's around. There are also several species of bat, from the flying foxes to the small ones I get in my eaves which eat mosquitos, to the old bat, of which Latham is a prime example. I saw many snakes in the north-east last Christmas on a road trip through Ratanakiri/Mondulkiri provinces, but nothing big. The most common snake in PP I believe is the Health Spa NGO variety, which can be viewed at most upmarket eating establishments, spas, and anywhere else that doesn't involve doing any work. Unfortunately these have become prolific of recent years, but there is hope on the horizon, as the government has been considering a cull of these blood sucking menaces.

Banker's picture
Joined: 19-Aug-10
Posts: 107

Plenty of animals at walkabout 24/7 mooning!

Abigail's picture
Joined: 15-Dec-10
Posts: 9

Regular monkey sightings down my way on Street 110, close to the Old Market. A troupe of about 13 or 14 monkeys of different ages, working their way along the balconies.

Big fruit bats which hang out near Wat Phnom and fly off somewhere else at night. Bird wise, I've only seen sparrows and some starlings, and I've yet to see a snake in PP.

Michael H's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-08
Posts: 69

The monkeys must be migrating.
Saw one down at the back of Boat Noodles Restaurant, St 294, the other day.
Have also seen a dead scorpion on the road nearby. Big, ugly black thing.

Banker's picture
Joined: 19-Aug-10
Posts: 107

Get a few around the swimming pool area of Raffles Hotel, climbing through the trees and over the roof, keeps security busy for about 60 minutes. I think they live in the street at the back of Raffles

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Went to phnom tamao yesterday.
Been before but enjoyed this more for some reason.
Saw several elephants,a lion,tiger must have been asleep,wild pigs,tame red deer,pretty mouse deer,far too many monkeys,lots of rescued sun and moon bears but some pacing so traumatised,great birds of prey,fish owls,a dancing elephant and not one barang.
Oh and counted the beggers on the dusty access road-63.

Better Call Saul's picture
Joined: 12-Aug-10
Posts: 23

I love spiders

Michael H's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-08
Posts: 69

BCS - humour is clearly not your forte.

Gondal's picture
Joined: 23-May-10
Posts: 144

Lived at Bassac a few years ago - small snakes in the grass were regular occurrences. One got under a car hood once. A big cobra was killed by workers at the development next door. Lived south of Toul Tom Pong and we regularly found large headless rats on the verandah - seems a wild feline loved head!

Currently building in Kompong Saom near Pearl City - lots of bush. Occasional cobras and a heap of scorpions. One of our dogs was walking around a few months ago with a scorpion on its back - wtf! My wife recently saw a small cobra during the middle of the day lying on the gravel used for our construction.

More pregnant bitches here than I've ever seen before - 4-legged variety ha! ha! Including now our cute 6-month old PUPPY! She's a descendant of my wife's first dog who's now 17 and guess what - yep, she too is again pregnant!!!! That would make her 119 on the human scale!!

Apologies for getting a bit off-track as the original request was for PP.

Wal's picture
Joined: 28-Feb-07
Posts: 181

Apart the elephant and the monkeys I have spotted these in the Chaktomuk area

  • green snakes
  • flying foxes(big bats)
  • Smaller bats
  • White owls at night
  • Finches
  • Swallows
  • Some sort of nectar eaters
  • geckos (dah)
  • Takeos
  • Dingos
  • Cows
  • and Mormons.

there are no monkeys in this area (yet)

Unless you are a confident snake handler don't mess with those pretty green snakes, they are quite venomous.

Michael H's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-08
Posts: 69

I treat all snakes with caution, although I'm pretty sure they're as scared of us as we are of them. Got some land out in the provinces and the guys cutting back vegetation spotted a Hanuman snake not so long back. Apparently a deadly little bugger.

BTW - heard an anecdote about an old Irish guy who used to run a bar on St 63 yrs ago. Apparently he used to keep a tiger in a cage outside. Don't know if it's bar talk bs as only been around these parts 4 yrs and this was apparently 10 yrs ago or more.


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