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Sexual assault/harassment encounters

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smh's picture
Joined: 26-Jan-09
Posts: 3

Hi everyone,
Thanks Anthony for lauching this topic- excellent initiative. Sorry if this post seems a bit off-topic though,
I'm a 20-someting barang, living in PP for over a year now. About 6 months ago, in BKK1 area, not so far from Independence Monument, I had 2 'sexual harrassment encounters' about 1 month apart. The first time, a Khmer guy was on his moto and stopped by me as I was on the sidewalk, waiting to cross the street. A few people were around. I quickly noticed that he had his penis out and was masturbating while looking straight at me.
The second time, a Khmer man (not the same one Í don't think, but I'm not so sure) was in his car, which was stopped along the street, and as I walked towards the car the man stuck out his head and called my attention, as if he were going to ask for directions. As I reached the car, he revealed under a pile of documents that he was holding in his hand over his lap, his erect penis which was in his other hand. Both times I walked away as fast as I could. I know this kind of things happens in most cities, but I'm wondering how many barang girls (or guys) have had this experience, and has it ever been taken to another level of sexual stalking/assault.
Thanks for sharing if you've heard a similar story.

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317

Your welcome. IMO, Phnom Penh is not different to any other capital city as far a crime goes. I feel more threatened when I return to Perth WA. The streets of Northbridge scare the hell outta me. Young folks on yabba.

If you are ok I would like to split you topic off as a new thread as it is specific reference to Sexual assault/harassment. Please let me know if you are ok with this.


smh's picture
Joined: 26-Jan-09
Posts: 3

Hi Anthony, well, if you think that's best then sure!
Thanks in any case.

anthony wrote:
Your welcome. IMO, Phnom Penh is not different to any other capital city as far a crime goes. I feel more threatened when I return to Perth WA. The streets of Northbridge scare the hell outta me. Young folks on yabba.

If you are ok I would like to split you topic off as a new thread as it is specific reference to Sexual assault/harassment. Please let me know if you are ok with this.


marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

I too have suffered from sexual harrassment in phnom penh.
As i recall it happens every time I go to a bar in streeet 104 or 136 and that cyrcee place is shocking.
What can be done,there should be a law against it.

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Hey kid I hear that you have been hanging around the monument at lunchtime hoping the bloke will reappear-any luck yet?

smh's picture
Joined: 26-Jan-09
Posts: 3

Kid Khmer-
now what do you think- that Khmer men are an angel male species and the only ones who do not engage in sexual harassment? in a way, i can understand your doubt because i wouldn't have imagined this would happen until it did. however have a look at some media articles and you will see this is not an exceptional case, in November last year a British girl was raped and killed by a Cambodian monk, and just a few weeks ago in Battambang an attempted rape occurred on an Australian woman ( ). The sad truth is there's very little stopping perverts from doing these things, even passers-by in the street are not a deterrent. I am not looking for sympathy or pity, just some advice, so, if you only have accusatory comments to make I suggest you keep them to yourself.
In peace SMH

Anonymous's picture

Yes yes we have all read the articles about rape. That is a little different to your will-in-the-hand story.

Have you ever tried to ride a moto around with your willy in one hand ? Not easy I can assure you. :twisted:


marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

So you have tried it kid?

chinajackie's picture
Joined: 28-Nov-08
Posts: 11

'cmon guys, let's be a bit respectful to the lady. She had the guts to post in the first place.

To be fair, I saw a 30something Khmer guy with his wil out just calmly walking along the road near TTP in the middle of a weekday. He was clearly clinically deranged, but the local passers by were obviously trying to hide their shock and embarrasment, and did nothing.

kid, did you get off your bike when you tried it?

so, thanks smh.

happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133

Sorry to say, but a guy flashing his knob at a girl is nasty stuff.

Women are always at more danger than men in unprovoked sexual encounters, due to societal inequalities and physical differences, so I sympathise with any lady who is on the receiving end of this type of behavior.

Nevertheless, I think a good psychological counteraction is to ignore it completely, as being a male, I know that the flasher's real weapon is the strong reaction he is trying to instill in the lady.

Also, any dude that does this is seriously messed up, be it in any country, as this is just pathetic.

I agree with Kid Khmer, that Cambodian men are no more likely to do this, as this tends to happen all over the world (international pecker flashing).

I had a homeless lady flash her vagina at me one day, on the corner of Mao Tse Tung and Norodom, and she was standing on the side of the road. I was waiting at the lights, so she didn't just flash at me, but at a group of us motorcycle drivers.

I tend to think that this was a political statement, and if you deconstuct it, using Foucaultian post-modernist cubic gender theory, there is a hell of alot in this.

In fact, I intend to write a PhD on the flashing of peckers at traffic lights, and then apply for a $10,000 a month position with the U.N. in their De-pecker and Vagina Flashing in SE Asia Department (or, DPVFSEAD for short).

Damn, that was good.

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Laughing out loud

Devi Vanhon's picture
Joined: 2-Jun-08
Posts: 22

Cambodia is as bad as any other place when it comes to sexual harassment.
There is not a single day that I am not subjected to some form of sexual harassment from Khmer men. Wolf whistles, cat calls, leering, patting, pinching, brushing up against my body - these are the things I have to face every single day no matter how I dress.

I often see Khmer men masturbating in public. By often I mean I see it about once every 5 weeks or so. Flashers are even more common.
Khmers are as perved as men anywhere else. Though I must admit I feel less harassed here than I was when I was when living in the Middle East (I was 14 years old back then) and then in Thailand.

Radioactive Prahok's picture
Joined: 16-Dec-08
Posts: 11

Radioactive Anne, do you not have a big burly boyfriend to defend you from such things ?

Devi Vanhon's picture
Joined: 2-Jun-08
Posts: 22

Not 24/7. Not during daytime. I always have to deal with it alone.

nicolascales's picture
Joined: 22-Apr-08
Posts: 64

Why should any woman have to have a big burly boyfriend in order to protect her?
Sometimes the big burly boyfriend is the one she might need protecting from.


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