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Problems with EZECOM

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janelopacka's picture
Joined: 5-Nov-07
Posts: 6

I am having a lot of problems with EZECOM. Is it just me or is anyone having problems? Jane

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
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janelopacka wrote:
I am having a lot of problems with EZECOM. Is it just me or is anyone having problems? Jane

I dont think that it just Ezecom. There seems to be a couple of other ISP's who are also having some issues.
Remember that international communication links out of Cambodia go thru Vietnam and Thailand before you are really connected to any major telecoms "pipes"

Why not call Ezecom to ask them

janelopacka's picture
Joined: 5-Nov-07
Posts: 6

Actually, I can't get a straight response from EZECOM, but that maybe cultural as well. I did have a more reliable ISP before changing to EZECOM but EZECOM was offering a some good packages for 24/7 unlimited use. The issues with EZECOM are as much administrative as with connection issues. It costs to change ISPs. EZECOM is a new company and I am willing to ride out the problems in the hopes they will be resolved. I would like to know if anyone else has had particular difficulties with EZECOM (i.e., more than with other ISPs). Thanks Jane

cracker196's picture
Joined: 16-Jan-08
Posts: 63

Predictably, EZECOM service has gone way down hill in the last few months (I assume because more and more people are signing up for their unlimited plans thus sapping bandwidth). By 8pm my internet basically does not work. The connection cuts and the speed is very slow. I'm definitely considering getting rid of the service, at least out of principle - I'm not sure any other service provider will provide me with better service. Cost effective, reliable internet service for home use does not seem to exist here. I might try the cell phone internet deals. StarCell still has a plan, right?

Devi Vanhon's picture
Joined: 2-Jun-08
Posts: 22

I left TELESURF (after having used their services for 5 years) in January of this year and I switched over to EZECOM. I have no complaints whatsoever. It always works well. I never even had to call their technicians or anything.

I use the internet at home and I'm online 24/7. I really have not had any problems with EZECOM. It's perfect. I'm glad I dumped TELESURF.

janelopacka's picture
Joined: 5-Nov-07
Posts: 6

Thanks Cracker196. That sums up my experience exactly. And its good to get a take on why it is problematic. Maybe I will try to ride it out and get lucky like Radioactive Anne Laughing out loud TELESURF drove me crazy too Anne. I guess with the rapid development in Phnom Penh it is too easy to forget that international standards are not to be expected just yet :!:

Warhorse's picture
Joined: 22-Nov-07
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Afraid I have had them for 4 months and it has been constantly bad and contunes to drop in and out, e.ven when the modem is displaying aall LED's are light on the WIMAX antennae.

Devi Vanhon's picture
Joined: 2-Jun-08
Posts: 22

Maybe I never have any problems with my connection because I almost live within walking distance of the EZECOM HQ.

xjonx's picture
Joined: 4-Feb-09
Posts: 14
Radioactive Anne wrote:
Maybe I never have any problems with my connection because I almost live within walking distance of the EZECOM HQ.

Well, I'm sure that really helps. I'm also with Ezecom. My experience is that the weather significantly affects the signal. On rainy days, the speed reduction is noticeable.

Despite this, I would recommend it over Telesurf. Telesurf has serious billing/HR issues. I have a program that monitors my bandwidth usage to determine how much I use a month. It matches up with the telesurf usage on most months and when it didn't, they would always explain that they have technical problems and it would be resolved soon. Even though they acknowlegde that it was their mistake/error, they would still want me to pay according to the erroneous usage that was billed. I told them I would pay them, "Sa'ek tov." Never went back.

BC's picture
Joined: 17-Apr-08
Posts: 469

I'm with Ezecom, and find it very reliable and the staff very helpful. I'm on ADSL with them, not WiMax. My biggest problems are to do with Camintel who provide the phone line, they're not always reliable and their techs have made mistakes on a number of occasions that have knocked out my service for a day or three.


odrerir's picture
Joined: 1-Jan-08
Posts: 28

Beware changing plans on any day but your billing day. Their policy is to NOT prorate your bill if you want to switch that day so though you paid for a full month and only used a day, week, 3 weeks they will scoop up your cash and start you with a new bill. Even with the modem rental!
Never had that problem with Online, we just use it too much during the day.
It seems like there are filters on my Ezecom connection. Even when the 'Speed Tester' shows 512Kbs, downloads come in at 12Kbs. It's been 11 unimpressive days and I don't think I'll return my Online modem just yet.

thorazinedc's picture
Joined: 4-Apr-08
Posts: 56

Seriously? Seriously? This is Cambodia! Be happy you have internet at all! If not, return to the western country you are from and enjoy high speed and realiable service. It will come, be patient!

BC's picture
Joined: 17-Apr-08
Posts: 469
odrerir wrote:
Beware changing plans on any day but your billing day. Their policy is to NOT prorate your bill if you want to switch that day so though you paid for a full month and only used a day, week, 3 weeks they will scoop up your cash and start you with a new bill. Even with the modem rental!

I've found that Ezecom are pretty good to discuss anything like a billing or technical issue with. They also let me take a break midway through my billing cycle while I was out of the country for a month, put me on to a cheaper hold plan etc while I was away which was good, I only had to pay $25. I think if you arrange the change with them in advance there would be a good chance that they'd be flexible.

odrerir wrote:
It seems like there are filters on my Ezecom connection. Even when the 'Speed Tester' shows 512Kbs, downloads come in at 12Kbs. It's been 11 unimpressive days and I don't think I'll return my Online modem just yet.

My download speeds (Ezecom ADSL 512K) have been consistently good this month... are you on ADSL or Wimax? If you're using a 'speed tester' website, it actually checks your current upload and download speeds by sending files - which would indicate that the problem is not with Ezecom if the speed tester shows 512Kbps. Maybe the source website you were downloading from was feeding you slowly.



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