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one down-a million to go.A good start...

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marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Had a drive down the bush this morning amongst the usual bunch of suicidal idiots masquerading as drivers.
When I came back i went to the lucky on sihanouk and then meandered home down st 51.
As i was crossing the intersection at st 302 a young woman on a moto came racing through the intersection from my right.
I jumped on the anchors but stopping a tacoma ute inside three metres is impossible.
I was probably doing about 15 ks an hour when she went under the bullbar screaming.
I sat in the truck whilst two bystanders pulled her out and carried her to the roadside,I then jumped out and called infinity insurance while I took my gar tree and drivers licence from my wallet.
A huge crowd gathered and the witnesses all said that she was at fault as droves of coppers arrived.Two over concerned barangs,one with a CRV were trying to assist her.The man wanted to take her to hospital in the CRV-idiot.
Then the ambulance arrived and saved him a lot of time and money.
She looked to have a broken foot with severe lacerations-thats all,how lucky.
Also lucky was the tacoma,now the bull bar has paid for itself,we had no damage.
The cops drew lines around my wheels with a rock and then asked me to move the car off the road.
A young khmer who heard of my disdain for the other victim(I was the real victim driving slowly and minding my own business)tried to pick a fight with me,he was well spoken but stupid.
I have been driving for more than 40 years all over the world and my only accidents have been with cows in cambodia,the one today riding a moto.
If people drive with no respect for themselves let alone others then they deserve all they get in my book.Imagine if she had hit a moto with the ubiquitos small child standing up side on,one child with a fractured skull or worse.
Anyway i spoke khmer all the way through,the cops were great,didnt want any details from me and sent me on my way after 15 minutes.I assumed that the insurance man had arrived but I rung them to thank them when i got home and he hadnt left the office yet-after all it is at least 600 metres away!
I am still upset that a moto must have clipped the back of the tacoma the other night when it was parked and broke the tail light lens and scratched the side a bit.
Eventually these people must wake up to themselves i suppose,hun sen has insisted on helmets and this week road tax.
The transport minster must need a new fleet of lexies.
Yesterday the cops made me reverse back over the white line at the lights,I had a crack at them of course,at least i stop for red lights.
I told them that if a niek mien in a lexie ran the red light right now then you guys would be too gutless to stop him-leave me alone you clowns.
Gotta love this country....

kidkhmer (not verified)
kidkhmer's picture

Proving yet again that 51 is the worst road in PP. Most khmers seem to be unaware that the global standard would be to give way coming into a parallel ( to Norodom / Moniving etc ) main street like that. My wife and I almost got killed one evening when we were casually returning home around 9pm along 51 going south. I was watching all intersections as I usually do but one had alot of trees and some mother*ucker in a small van just came bowling across 51 at about 70 kph. We jammed on the brakes with CM to spare and both hit the deck and he stopped, looked and kept going . If we had left our dinner a second earlier..........

That's what I will do next time some freshy twit comes out of nowhere and I hit them. See you later ..............



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