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CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172

i'm on the verge of becoming the proud owner of a red motorcycle. i like red Smile and it is a 600cc.
i need informations about dos and donts, about insurance and about street parking as i live in an apartment on sisowath quay.

yes, i have a LOCAL driver's licence and i have been riding for many years with a motorcycle licence in several different countries (i survived england! i will survive here).
i have two helmets and boots and some gear too. i'm not sure i'll commute with it. i might just use it on weekends for rides to the countryside only during day time.

tell me, good people... :

- what's the best, most serious insurance in town where they speak barang?
- what's the best thing a girl can do to park her toy and make sure no one steals it as soon as she turns her back on it?
- what's the best place to have it looked after? i'm a girl, remember, i won't be greasing that chain on my own...

what advice would you like to give me? yes, i asked for it, it's all fair game.
thanks a lot in advance!

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

I always use infinity for insurance,english spoken and very efficient.
Quite unkhmerlike really.
I only park cars and i believe that near the riverside it can cost about 35 dollars a month to park a car.But out here in BKK1 the rate is 2000 riel a night when I park at the starcell building.
Security for a bike must include some sort of chain and lock.

happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133

don't mean to be critical, however, why would you buy a 600cc in Phnom Penh ?

the traffic in PP is almost always close to gridlock, and when it's not, it's like navigating amongst a hundred ping pong balls, so going anything more than 40km mean almost certain collision with a local, who will demand that you pay the costs of an accident, regardless of rational arguments as to fault, or any testaments of "witnesses" (such a concept doesn't exist here, where it's best not to see anything which incriminates another individual)

the highways out of PP are riddled with potholes which in rainy season, can comfortably bathe a donkey, thus making contact with one of these on a slick 600cc at faster than say, 50-60km means you are are gonna get mashed, baby

I know a group of guys who are motorcycle afficianados, and have fast motorcyles (1000cc) and are in a club... they actually use a disused ex-Chinese made, aircraft runway, 2.5 hours out of town (near Kampong Chnang) in order to give their bikes a decent run

Even the newly-coated highway from PP to Sihanoukville, they claim, isn't safe enough for high speed on two wheels.

Some guys in PP get slick, kick-ass, high-powered motorcycles, but they end up looking silly, as they weave, just like everyone else, through the various shapes and sizes, in mid-morning traffic in Phnom Penh traffic, at a whopping 20kms per hour.

Laughing out loud

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317

Try Forte Insurance - I moved all my policies over from Infinity after claims issues. I am happier with Forte than Infinity both in terms of customer service and ease of claims -

CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172

thanks for the advice anthony, i'll follow it!

boy, "happy days are here", what ever happened to the happy in your name?

don't assume i want to speed, am happy riding it at 40 in town and at 60 outside town. just as i am happy to have the power to escape something if need be.
and don't assume i'll ride it around town during traffic intense hours. am happy to take a tuktuk. that's why i am asking about parking Smile

ok, anyone else for interesting advice? i mean advice, tips, etc., for anything i might oversee (since i'm new in town and have no idea of the culture here...)

many thanks in advance

happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133

what i am saying isn't unhappy or unhappy, those are the facts!

as in "reality"

Laughing out loud

CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172
happydaysarehere wrote:
what i am saying isn't unhappy or unhappy, those are the facts!
as in "reality"
Laughing out loud

ok Smile


paujob's picture
Joined: 21-Dec-07
Posts: 22

You seem to have the idea on this already, but speaking as somebody who had a moto stolen, don't park it on the street unless there is a guard who is watching and actually paying attention, and DON"T trust a lock bought here. The word I got is those locks can be picked in about 1 minute by a poor thieve, and I guess the handlebar lock too Sad

happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133

... it's easy to see the people who are new, or haven't yet arrived in PP.

after six months here, I bet $50 that you will ditch your 600cc super-bike (if you manage to keep it longer than 10 days without getting stolen), for a rusty, second-hand, 50cc Super Cub.

Even with a decent, western-made, custom-security chain, that number is ghost, dawg

This aint Beverly Hills, babe, and a 600cc superbike, especially with a foreign chick, is going to attract alot of attention - if that's what you want, that is what you'll get... ahrah :twisted:

ahrah ... aharahahrahraha ... :twisted:

Laughing out loud

eddie's picture
Joined: 29-Oct-08
Posts: 10

In some ways the bigger bikes are harder to steal cause they are heavy. And less of a market for the parts.I had my 250 stolen a few years ago when I was too lazy to go out in the rain and lock it one night.Best to pay one of the many places where you can leave it for $15 or$20 bucks a months.I don't trust a Cambodian lock any farther than I can throw it!
I have about sixty thousand K here on bikes and about one hundred thousand K in cars and all I can say is slow down until you stop cussing!!!

CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172
happydaysarehere wrote:
This aint Beverly Hills, babe, and a 600cc superbike, especially with a foreign chick, is going to attract alot of attention - if that's what you want, that is what you'll get... ahrah :twisted:
ahrah ... aharahahrahraha ... :twisted:
Laughing out loud

am i calling you names? can you provide valuable input without insulting people? i wonder...
not everybody walks in life with an attitude, thus, evidently => different results.

happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133

Hi Catherine

Sorry that you feel that insulted, however, where is the insult?

Is the little smilie thing an insult Evil or using the word "babe", cos that's what the spider called the other barn characters in Charlotte's Web, and that's what Frank Sinatra says when he sings.

Anyway, sorry again for the deep insults.

Laughing out loud

CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172
happydaysarehere wrote:
Hi Catherine
Anyway, sorry again for the deep insults.
Laughing out loud

obviously, you don't know when to stop.
you're at the bottom and still digging.
that's ok.

apology accepted for indeed calling me a babe and a chick and assuming i "look" foreign, i.e. white or caucasian of some sort.
never occurred to you that i could be "local color" or asian. funny. people like you crack me up.

catherine, still laughing...

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317
CATMER wrote:
happydaysarehere wrote:
Hi Catherine
Anyway, sorry again for the deep insults.
Laughing out loud

obviously, you don't know when to stop.
you're at the bottom and still digging.
that's ok.

apology accepted for indeed calling me a babe and a chick and assuming i "look" foreign, i.e. white or caucasian of some sort.
never occurred to you that i could be "local color" or asian. funny. people like you crack me up.

catherine, still laughing...

glad to see its all good Smile


happydaysarehere's picture
Joined: 8-Apr-08
Posts: 133


Actually, I never said you look white or caucasian...

I said "foreign", not "westerner", as it's possible that you may be from another Asian country

I used the word "foreign", because based on what you said, I am 99% sure that you are

Are you?

Laughing out loud

CATMER's picture
Joined: 20-Feb-09
Posts: 172
happydaysarehere wrote:
Actually, I never said you look white or caucasian...
I said "foreign", not "westerner", as it's possible that you may be from another Asian country
I used the word "foreign", because based on what you said, I am 99% sure that you are
Are you?
Laughing out loud

mentioning beverly hills was enough, don't you think, to cover westerner and white.
to each their own.
this is my last post on this 'topic' unrelated to my initial question, bc i'm not interested in beating on a dead horse.

jarvar's picture
Joined: 30-Mar-09
Posts: 2

Hi Catherine,

Just ignore these "scooter boys". Hey HDAH. For you a 600cc is a "superbike"? Laughing out loud

- what's the best, most serious insurance in town where they speak barang?

I've ridden (big) motorbikes here since 2004 but I have no idea. I know there are some reliable(?) companies. I'll find out and let u know.

- what's the best thing a girl can do to park her toy and make sure no one steals it as soon as she turns her back on it?

Just use the steering lock. These bad boys are not so interested in stealing big motos because it's a bit harder to make them vanish.... For nightime you better have a safe place for your monster though.

- what's the best place to have it looked after? i'm a girl, remember, i won't be greasing that chain on my own...

The best places are:

The Bike Shop on Street 302 and Flying Bikes on Street 114. (You should buy a can of chain spray from FB. Costs 12$) Smile

Enjoy your Bike. That's cool!

J 650cc


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