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Getting Married with a local.

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Kasperfc's picture
Joined: 16-Jan-09
Posts: 5

Hello everyone.

I'm getting married in Denmark with a khmer girl who is going there on her turist visa.

Do anyone know where i can get the document that states she is single? And, how much and how long does it takes? Do i need anymore?

Kasper's picture
Joined: 26-May-09
Posts: 18

AFAIK, you don't need one that says SHE is single but the Khmer officials will usually / may require a certificate of "NON-IMPEDIMENT" from your embassy that says YOU are single. I certainly never got one that said my wife was single but I sure hope she is /was Wink

I am guessing you will have to go to her Sangkat ( wherever she is from ) and get this document.


abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

Anyone know how much it costs for a Cambodian woman to obtain a Cambodian passport?

kidkhmer (not verified)
kidkhmer's picture

Around $140

abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

lol...thanks KK

My Cambodian gf told me I needed to give her $280 for her to get a passport.

chrisincambo's picture
Joined: 30-Mar-09
Posts: 108

The price varies heavily on how quickly you want to get it back. I understand there is a next day delivery service for slightly north of $500 and if you don't use a broker, queue up at the passport office and are prepared to wait for up to six months you can get it for less than $50. Most people go for the 3-4 week option which like has been stated is around $150-200.

kidkhmer (not verified)
kidkhmer's picture

I am pretty sure my wife's cost $130 the first time and then when we went back about 3 months later having realised there was conflicting spelling on family book, we were charged $140 for another passport. I think if you pay more you can get it in three days instead of 6 weeks or so so don't tar and feather your gf just yet ! Wink

rhook's picture
Joined: 26-Aug-09
Posts: 51

Yes, I'm pretty sure that's the passport, NOW!! price, should be about $140 to get it in a month.

The "oops, a typo" is definitely one to watch out for. For example my rent agreement has a mismatch between the leaving date, and the number of months of the contract. I'm not saying the mistakes are deliberate so that you can be done up like a kipper at a later date, just, uh, double check everything twice is my advice (he he, not a typo or deliberate ambiguity, I do mean check 4 times).

abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

My gf also tells me that her family book was destroyed in a flood. (and she has no ID card). Is it possible to get a passport without either of these? If not, is a family book required to get an ID card?
Any idea how much it costs to make a new family book?
appreciate it

newgirl's picture
Joined: 11-Apr-09
Posts: 17

cheaper to get a new girlfriend!


abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

So are you taken? Wink

newgirl's picture
Joined: 11-Apr-09
Posts: 17

dear prince charming (read abaddon)

my stats: in my twenties, and look younger, 5.1 ft or 155 cm, around 103 lb or 48 kg , dark longish hair, and my biggest asset i do have a passport! but beware, before replacing: my passport expires at the end of this year. my embassy charges $190.

not sure if there is such a major difference...what else do you have to offer besides 190 bucks? Wink

abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

"what else do you have to offer besides 190 bucks? ;-)"

about 4 in or 10cm

Anthony Galloway's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-08
Posts: 2317

""cheaper to get a new girlfriend!""

with a passport


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