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door to door food delivery disaster

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robshep56's picture
Joined: 29-Jan-09
Posts: 24

Would it be at all possible for bar, restaurant owners and other businesses who advertise in the door to door food delivery magazine to have their allotted phone order taker have some grasp of the english language... It has always been a great concept but it just doesn't work if you can't communicate with the person you are placing the order with. The magazine is directed at english speaking customers by english speaking businesses (mostly) yet most establishments seem to think that it is ok to have a $3 a day employee with little english run the show for them..
There is a little more to running a business than that and heaven forbid the barang owner actually taking orders himself...that would cut into the time getting on the piss with his mates or sleeping off last nights merryment.
I gave up using it about a year ago when my pizza took a grand tour of Phnom Penh and arrived about 2 hours and 8 phone calls later.
We forget over time.. so had another crack at it last week...nothings changed.

Zabooka's picture
Joined: 4-Dec-09
Posts: 144

Fuck off and give this spiel to the business in question if you wish to be part of the solution.

lady25's picture
Joined: 24-May-12
Posts: 4

He probably would if he could get to talk to someone that could understand english you toilet mouthed little cretin.

jollibee's picture
Joined: 17-Feb-12
Posts: 14

I get pizza and other foods delivered by NIKE on St 63 at Sihanhouk.
Never a problem. They have an exemplary ten page menu and english speaking staff.

Zabooka's picture
Joined: 4-Dec-09
Posts: 144

Yes, it's true that most establishments in the Door to Door are quite good at having your order processed and out to you quickly.

This twat has a bad experience with one place twice and instead of complaining to the business bothers to write a facile rant without even naming the business.

It has a barang owner, according to the OP, so he could definitely have spoken to the owner Lady25, you chain smoking trollop.

AntiStatic's picture
Joined: 19-Dec-06
Posts: 35

I use door to door every week, at least twice, from multiple locations. never have any problem.

Tommiem's picture
Joined: 27-Jul-08
Posts: 100

Ever since moving to Boeung Tompun area from BKK1 I am now unable to get home delivery from all our favourite fatty fat fat places. Even trying to get pizza from the two biggest operators here have resulted in us having to send someone to meet them on St 271. I would have thought that free delivery in Phnom Penh would include Boeung Tompun, I guess this must be the bum end of the bung hole.

Really hate this first world problems in this third world country Wink

TJP's picture
Joined: 30-Dec-07
Posts: 64


Learn a little Khmer mate. It is not too hard. Memorise a couple of sentences for your address and what it is near. Make sure you know your nearest Wat or Market. Also keep in mind that it may not be a English language issue, many Cambodians living in Phnom Penh don't know the street systems well.

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Some good advice amongst the puerile abuse here.
But speaking khmer does not guarantee results either.
Many khmers dont know phnom penh very well at all.
After five years of driving here I know the place better than most khmers.
That zabooka creep should find something else to do with his time.
The board doesnt need him-khmer 440 would be a better match if he could find it.

David Bael's picture
Joined: 23-Apr-11
Posts: 38

That Door2Door book is just excellent. I think that it more or less created the food delivery culture in Phnom Penh.Am using it very regularly and the choice of restaurants is beautiful. The deliveries mostly happen smoothly, and food is almost always packed in a professional way. So many good experiences compared to the negative.

Zabooka's picture
Joined: 4-Dec-09
Posts: 144

I think your comprehension skills need some tweaking Latham.

The only other piece of sound advice in this thread apart from that left by myself was to learn what Wat you live near and learn some Khmer.

I suggested that instead of facile internet rants about an unnamed business he/she mention the issue to the owner which may just have more chance or remedying the problem than whinging on a website you damn curmudgeon.

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

What wat?
Lovely english.
It takes quite sometime to learn enough khmer to give lucid directions.
Most barang khmer speakers dont know north from south or east from west.
Of course most khmers dont have a clue about direction so it doesnt matter.

dtm39's picture
Joined: 22-Feb-07
Posts: 54

"What wat?
Lovely english.
It takes quite sometime to learn enough khmer to give lucid directions.
Most barang khmer speakers dont know north from south or east from west.
Of course most khmers dont have a clue about direction so it doesnt matter."

Who are you to criticise someone's English when you can't master basic punctuation, use of capital letters, use of plurals and correct word use? You've had a long enough to learn.

David Bael's picture
Joined: 23-Apr-11
Posts: 38

@ dtm39: Who are you to criticise someone's English when you can't master basic punctuation, use of capital letters, use of plurals and correct word use? You've had a long enough to learn

What kind of English is that last sentence? Shame on you... What we need in PP is an elementary English grammar school for adult expats. And a specialised school in humility as well.

dtm39's picture
Joined: 22-Feb-07
Posts: 54

Ever heard of typos, you pompous arse? Smile

David Bael's picture
Joined: 23-Apr-11
Posts: 38

Please do your English homework and stop hurting me, you lymphatic malicious fart. Your typos are a reflection of yourself: confusing and messy.

Ok, I feel satisfied now, in my own pompous way.

Michael H's picture
Joined: 2-Feb-08
Posts: 69

Re original post - yeah the service needs to be worked on. I speak enough Khmer to get by and live in central PP but I've had difficulties getting delivery. Even when my in-laws chime in with directions it's still problematic. The problem is that the staff who deliver either aren't that conversant with the road system, as has been indicated, they're not properly trained, they can't be bothered or they're thick as a brick. Pick a reason.

On the subject of service and without wanting to start another thread devoted to crap service - was in an Italian restaurant on St 172, name escapes me. The pizza was the absolute pits. Base like cardboard. Garlic bread prior was also absolute dog crap. Bread you could knock nails in with and overloaded with garlic. So I complained to the Khmer staff that it wasn't edible. The result - the chef came out from the kitchen and said it was. Didn't bother to taste and nor did the other staff. Ended up paying anyway for a meal I couldn't eat. Waste of time complaining in person so why not vent on the internet? At least others who've had the same crappy experience can relate. And as for sausages, don't get me started. There was this one time down at a tourist place near Russian Market when 2 sausages for an English breakfast turned out to be a saveloy split down the middle...zzzzzzzz etc.

AntiStatic's picture
Joined: 19-Dec-06
Posts: 35

the town is full of losers, misfits and social maladapted psysiopaths ( and terrible spellers). if you can't deal with those establishments, burn the place down in the middle of the night. or spend
your money elsewhere.

faithlesssaint's picture
Joined: 29-Jan-10
Posts: 7

Hahahaha.. Nice one. rock

shucklemoon's picture
Joined: 6-Jul-09
Posts: 63

I invite the OP to open a great delivery restaurant. I'll order from it, I promise.

David Bael's picture
Joined: 23-Apr-11
Posts: 38

That's really impressive. And totally in the line of this thread... I prefer bad spellers...


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