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Beggar warning beggar warning wah wah

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marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Got done like a kipper by the beggar in toul tom pong the other morning.
He is a slight,brown man who claims to be either a canadian thai or a lao.
His story for me was that he was robbed in siem riep and had to return to get a police report in order to get a new passport.
Apparently he is always around TTP and has been for months.
I had never seen him on the riverside until last night.
Johhny walker came scurrying by and then came ratzo,they must have been at the beggars union meeting.
The PPBU is reported to be quite strong.
Anyway i accosted ratzo who incredibly stuck to his story until I unleashed a storm of invective and told him that if I ever saw him again I would smash him.
My first impression of him was that he was a khmer deportee,his accent was american not canadian.
He wears a cap and a brown jacket,the long sleeves covering the tatts I believe.
If anyone sees him give him a serve please.

Watertitcow's picture
Joined: 20-Nov-08
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chanlung's picture
Joined: 26-Feb-09
Posts: 28

he does the same thing with churches. He claims he's a Christian and gives the same story. Sad

jtv's picture
Joined: 7-Apr-09
Posts: 40

Is this the mentally ill guy who also claims he's a Lao citizen/refugee? Looks Southeast Asian but speaks a sort of slangy North American English?

marklatham's picture
Joined: 14-Nov-07
Posts: 733

Thats the guy,he was looking for churches when I met him.
Should deport him to adelaide......

Tommiem's picture
Joined: 27-Jul-08
Posts: 100

Mark - he should actually be deported to Canberra... Adelaide is too good for him, anyway the churches in Adelaide would freaked out

abaddon's picture
Joined: 24-Aug-09
Posts: 169

I live in TTP and haven't seen this new one yet. When I do, I'll give him a good, old-fashion b!tch-slap. Mark, that's funny you saw Johny Walker recently, I haven't seen that guy in ages; was hoping he'd died or left the country.

kidkhmer (not verified)
kidkhmer's picture

And there I was thinking you were a hardened old salt.

You nonce.


cracker196's picture
Joined: 16-Jan-08
Posts: 63

This guy has been around for at least a year. There can't be too many beggars claiming to be Laotian-American/Canadian on the streets of Phnom Penh. He had an annoying tactic - saw my friend and I eating at a restaurant and came and sat down with us. Bold move.

I let him use my phone for a few minutes to call the American Embassy (gave him no money). The American officer there told me he'd ripped out one of the phones they use to call between the bullet-proof glass...and was promptly thrown out...and I promptly hung up and told him to go away.

Carson's picture
Joined: 12-Sep-08
Posts: 52

Swear I saw the same guy in Battambang about a year ago. Similar story. I ended up sending him to a church. Don't know if it helped him or not. (obviously not - if it is the same guy)

Well, I am sure there is some truth in his story. But instead of begging, he should put any remaining intelligence to good use as a tour guide or tuk tuk driver at Siem Reap. He could probably find more compassion up there.

hawkamania's picture
Joined: 10-Dec-08
Posts: 60

same guy told me he was laos-australian.

only problem was he spoke with an american accent and was speaking khmer with the moto dop drivers outside before he tried to sell me that story...

JRM's picture
Joined: 9-Dec-08
Posts: 21

He just did one of my friends on boxing day. friend gave him 10 bucks. and then called me because I'm Canuck. Thanks god I was too hungover to talk.

Smack him for me also, giving my fellow Canadians a bad rap like that.

Oli's picture
Joined: 22-Jan-10
Posts: 2

This guy is still active.

I met him 31 Dec 2009 while he was 'looking for christian missions', and foolishly gave him money.

I have since spotted him near the vietnamese friendship monument only last Friday. I pulled my moto over, but the foreigner he was talking to had already called him on the story.

Tonya's picture
Joined: 17-Dec-09
Posts: 18

I think the same guy was doing the rounds in St 21 yesterday. He approached me and enquired if I knew any Canadians in the street and had a rather confrontational manner when I said I couldn't help him. He claimed to only speak English and Laotian. He had also paid a visit to ISPP to look for Canadian English teachers.

DancingViolet's picture
Joined: 3-Nov-08
Posts: 58

i was chatting to him on 3 April .. again, mentioned going to PUC to speak with teachers. Named one he had already spoen to. Claimed to be Canada and only arrived the day before. I toldhim was too streetwise for someone who had just arrived from Canada and that his accent was actually american. We had a chat. ..... didn't try to hassle me for anything.

forever's picture
Joined: 24-Jan-10
Posts: 12

I saw him on street 282 a week ago! Same story!

Warhorse's picture
Joined: 22-Nov-07
Posts: 212

Put the drunken General on him, so he can catch a bullet instead of that poor girl at Elsewhere.


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